Hamilton Homes
Oswego, NY
Hamilton Homes
2011 Complex Renovation
- Multi-phase project for the renovation of an existing 45-year-old housing facility on a steep, hilly site.
- Improved vehicular and pedestrian circulation including new and renovated parking areas throughout the housing complex including site design for an additional handicap parking lot and accompanying handicap accessible route.
- Storm, water and sanitary upgrades.
- Asphalt pavement repair and replacement.
- Developed storm water analysis and erosion control plans in compliance with the SPDES Permitting process.
- Provided site work and plantings for sign with brick pillars, flagpole, and community garden with raised planter, as well as screening and plantings at the garbage storage areas.
- Design of a playscape on site.
- Worked closely with the City Engineer to create code compliant utilities and monitored a challenging storm water management system.