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Rosamond Gifford Zoo Gets A Green Roof!

Rosamond Gifford Zoo Gets A Green Roof!

Rosamond Gifford Zoo goes green!

AOLA has been involved in several projects at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. The most recent project, a new elephant exhibit, will officially open later this month. 

Included in the design is a green roof which is currently being installed.  The 9,000 sf eco-friendly green roof is an effective storm water management system impacting the Onondaga Lake watershed.  The green roof will help cool the building in the summer and insulate it in the winter, as well as help filter out pollutants and carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. The roof includes nine different types of drought tolerant plants covering the majority of the roof surface. A 2 foot wide paver walkway from a roof hatch allows zoo personnel access to multiple roof top mechanical units. There is no public access to the green roof, but samples of the green roof plants have been installed at the primate exhibit area for public viewing. 

Rosamond Gifford Zoo

Visit for details on the official opening of the elephant exhibit.