Westhill Central School District
Syracuse, NY
Westhill Central School District
2010 Capital Improvement Project
- Site work at Cherry Road School was related to a 32,000 sf building addition.
- New entry plaza with plant bed showcasing native vegetation surrounded by permeable pavers and benches made of recycled materials.
- Transition from traditional lawn to native wildflowers and grasses which encompass the entire addition with extensive rain garden system designed to collect, filter and infiltrate surface and roof runoff.
- Dry stream bed of river rock through a plant bed of native, moisture-tolerant species with a soil mix designed to infiltrate runoff.
- Rain garden framed with curvilinear path featuring benches, lighted bollards, a permeable paver patio and bridge.
- Excess storm water runoff directed to subsurface storage system, helping to eliminate ponding and reduce runoff.
- Prepared site plan and required documentation contributing 15 points toward LEED Certification. Project achieved LEED Silver Certification.
- Assistance with extensive community outreach including public presentations, meeting with faculty to help incorporate site features into their curriculum and attending community events.