Middletown Enlarged City School District
Middletown, NY
Middletown Enlarged City School District
- A new all purpose athletic stadium that included spectator and athlete circulation around a new field house, concession area, and 3,500 seat bleacher facility.
- Site improvements also included retaining wall design, storm water management, high school cafeteria landscape and delivery circulation improvements, and faculty parking expansion.
- Athletic field design and layout include IAAF certified 8x10 lane fully poured all-weather running track and field events, FIFA recommended football/soccer/lacrosse synthetic turf field, natural grass softball, soccer, lacrosse, and baseball fields at the Middle School and two (2) additional 400 meter tracks, one at each Middle School.
- Protective fencing, dugouts, playscapes, and pedestrian circulation were also included.
- Constant on-site inspection, review and direction to maintain project schedule. Prepared weekly bulleted item reports that allowed the contractor to have virtually no punch list items at project completion.
- Job drawings were created and distributed within 48 hours of direction.